✍️ How To Write Content 25x Faster

This surprising change makes all the difference

✍️ How To Write Content 25x Faster

Hey friends,

Was this another weekend full of life admin?

Did you find the time to write or record videos? For when life gets inevitably busy, you’ll want to fall back on a backlog of content that sees you through.

Creating post-to-post is too stressful. I’ve been there, but this can be a thing of the past very easily.

In this newsletter, I’ll share a simple way to write content 25x faster.

Don’t believe me? Read on!

💭 Thought of the week

Maker Mornings

Multipreneur Greg Isenberg estimated that he’s 25x more efficient at writing newsletters or Twitter threads in the morning than afternoons.

Sounds outrageous right?

But when in flow and writing about something he enjoys, he can write a thread in 15 minutes vs. it taking up to 6 hours when working late in the day, distracted, or tired.

Maybe you’ve experienced the same?

I know I can resonate with this highly. Content is a chore when it takes too long, but it’s something I truly love and find energising when I’m in the flow of deep work.

Stop making things harder for yourself and enjoy creating again.

But first, be kind to yourself. You’re not just a creator. You’re a friend, daughter, son, uncle or mum doing their best.

It’s so easy to get stuck in the weeds of work and life that the projects we want to work on get pushed back and back.

To stop this upcoming week from going the same way, we’ll need to create a buffer.

Let’s start with understanding ourselves a little better.

  • What time of the day does writing feel effortless to you?

  • How many videos could you batch film in a day if you scheduled a time block?

  • What’s actually holding you back from creating content?

Examples include:

  • Writing about topics that don’t interest you

  • Leaving content creation to the end of the day when you’re tired

  • Being a perfectionist over what gets published

I could continue… because it’s always the same blockers.

By reflecting on the above questions I guarantee that you’ll increase your output by a large multiple AND have more fun along the way.

💡 A perspective to consider

Your favourite creator has an accountability group.

Accountability is another great way to power through the “have to’s” so you can focus on the “want to’s”.

I’ve been recently added into different content “Mastermind” groups with leading creators. I can tell you now, your favourite creator has an accountability group.

Whether it’s a virtual coworking sesh with a colleague or pairing up with a buddy for weekly check-ins, accountability is free, accessible and effective.

🚨 Newsletter Exclusive 🚨

Everything I write online is with the hope of helping you become a better creator for free.

Last month I ran a 1:1 consultation and absolutely loved it. All of my time goes into growing Amplify into the best agency for creators. As we can’t work with everyone, I want to offer a rare opportunity to get crystal clear on your content strategy for 2024.

Ready for a year of growth? I’m opening my calendar for TWO consultations before the year closes.

Book now to avoid disappointment 👇

❤️ Content I LOVED

- This is the OG article on Maker Mornings. This distinction between a Maker Schedule and a Manager Schedule is really helpful for protecting your time for creativity.

🛠️ Tool - ChatGPT (New hack) 

- This week I binged multiple podcast interviews to hear insights from a particular guest. I soon realised there was probably a more efficient way to do this and opened up ChatGPT to play around. Steal this framework!

🛠️ Tool - Keepa Amazon Price Tracker

If you didn’t have Keepa for Black Friday Week, grab it now. This free Chrome extension shows you the price history of every item on Amazon so you’ll know if you’re getting a real deal or not.

✍️ Quote of the week

To add something into your life, you have to remove something first.

Nicolas Cole

Thanks for reading 👋 

Book your consultation now for a deep dive on your 2024 content strategy!